To unbrick the speaker, you'll need to use SPI programmer and you need to have firmware to flash. However, it won't help if the speaker is bricked, because then PSTool won't connect to it anymore. You may want to dump all settings to a file, to be able to revert any changes you made. BUT, someone reported that setting the second word of the startup sound entry to value >=0012 causes a crash on startup, and it's impossible to enter DFU mode again to fix it. If nothing helped - congrats, it's probably bricked.ĮDIT: I thought, messing with this setting does not brick the speaker. Thx for sharing this Jbl flip 4 windows 10 11-Jan-20 06:20 Thanks for Jbl flip 4 windows 10 upload 18-Aug-19 17:41 nice 1 worked 4 me no problems :-) 22-Feb-19 06:26 GREAT Jbl flip 4 windows 10 :) worked like a charm :) 20-Nov-18 09:41 I've been waiting for this driver to come out for a long time 08-Oct-18 02:25 This driver is great Thanks. * leave it alone till the battery is dead. * take it apart and disconnect-reconnect the battery. * disconnect usb and leave it alone for a few minutes.
* disconnect usb and press power button for twenty seconds or so, then press it again to switch it on. If steps 8-9 don't bring your speaker back alive, try: There should be no startup sound anymore. PSTool will show an error, because the speaker powers down.
Click Reset BC button (stands for 'Reset BlueCore').