Next, click the Positioning button and you can set in inches where you want the table to be added. If your table is small, and you want the text to take up the empty space around the table instead of appearing after it, go to the Text Wrapping section, and select ‘Around’.
The Table tab has an alignment section where you can choose how you want to align it.
Make sure you’re on the Table tab and not any of the other tabs i.e., the row, column, or cell tabs. The Table Properties window has several tabs that deal with the alignment and other aspects of a table. From the context menu, select the Table Properties option. It doesn’t matter if the cell has data in it or not. Here’s how you can align tables and images in Microsoft Word. In order to move either of these items around, you should always use the cut and paste functions, and use their own dedicated alignment tools to fix formatting problems that might arise after. Moving these two elements around ruins a perfectly formatted document. Have you ever tried to move a picture or a table around in a Microsoft Word document? The results are usually a small scale disaster.